
十大菠菜台子’s Residencies program invites students to interact with world-class experts 和ir work through 教室参观, 有影响力的演讲, 移动的表演, 以及公众阅读.

2019年 Ousley学者, 伊丽莎白Yeampierre shares her knowledge with Beloit stude... 2019年 Ousley学者, 伊丽莎白Yeampierre shares her knowledge with Beloit students in the classroom.

每年, eight residents serve as mentors 和 sources of inspiration for countless students 和 often cite their visits as transformational.

Residents come from fields ranging from human rights 和 社会正义 to international political economy to 哲学. 其中包括诺贝尔奖得主, 诗人奖得主, 创新的艺术家, 社区领袖, 和 world-renowned thinkers 和 doers from the likes of prolific author 和 c艺术oonist 琳达巴里 致亚马逊前高管 蒂姆·莱斯利89.

韦斯伯格椅子 Jason De León 说话在 敌对地形94, an 艺术 installation documenting the r... 韦斯伯格椅子 Jason De León 说话在 敌对地形94, an 艺术 installation documenting the recovered remains of individuals who have died crossing the desert at the US/Mexico border. But Beloit’s Residencies aren’t just about a single keynote speech or a final reading.

They offer students the unique opportunity to connect on a personal level with these movers 和 shakers, 提高自信, 交流思想, 寻找共同兴趣, 和 creating relationships that can lead to internships 和 project collaborations — 和, 不罕见, 友谊.

“Students [initially] think the residents are titans — that they are different from us, 和 that’s why they can write that great book or win a Nobel Prize,” says Neese Chair 和 Professor of Economics Diep Phan, 他也是厄普顿论坛的负责人. “But now they’re in the same room with you, sitting across the table.”



Students report on their experiences 和 share their ideas for action on immigration policy refor... Students report on their experiences 和 share their ideas for action on immigration policy reform after having traveled to Washington DC as p艺术 of the Wessberg Program.

Students 和 residents connect over big projects 和 ideas, like in Professor Phan’s 经济学 senior capstone, as well as over personal topics like family background 和 favorite authors. They often happen in unlikely places: in line to get coffee, 办公时间一对一, 甚至在晚餐时.

“I think there’s something really important about sitting down 和 breaking bread — being able to talk informally,乔希·摩尔说。, 谁是联合导演 Weissberg Program in Human Rights 和 Social Justice. “The biggest impacts for students have been around meals, where the resident picks up on something very personal that the student is working through. 学生们完全改变了.”

One such student was Deepakshi Bhardwaj’22, a business 经济学国际关系 double major who was deeply involved with both the Weissberg Program 和 Upton Forum.

The Ivan Stone Lecture — one of many components of the Weissberg Program centered around an annual theme — was given during her senior year by the co-director of the Institute on Statelessness 和 Inclusion, Amal de Chickera. She 和 classmate Saumyaa Gupta’24 were completing a special project about statelessness in the United Kingdom when Manger Professor of International Relations Beth Dougherty invited them to meet with Chickera.

“We were all about numbers — that could be my econ background, where we want to see data. Our talk with Amal turned into an emotional conversation because he was sharing his story of being an immigrant in the UK 和 what motivated him to do what he was doing. 对我来说,这是一个研究项目. 对阿迈勒来说,这就是他的生活. I feel like those are repeated stories you hear from students,” says Bhardwaj.

Experiencing the Beloit Residencies is known across campus to be a deeply humbling experience for both students 和 residents. Phan 和 Moore, among other 教师 和工作人员, see the direct impact it has on Beloiters every year.

“这是一个学习的环境, but the Residencies show that learning can be personal, 亲密的, 和人类,潘说。.

<艺术icle class="bulletin">金伯利·布莱泽,麦基主席


麦基的椅子 in Creative Writing Kimberly Blaeser presented a multimedia poetry reading with two members of In-Na-Po(土著民族诗人) . 她还谈到了灵感,

<艺术icle class="bulletin">Current 麦基的椅子 Kimberly Blaeser (with her new book of poetry, 古老的光), 英语教授克里斯·芬克, 和 past 麦基的椅子 邦妮·乔·坎贝尔 (with her new novel, 水).


有成就的小说家和前 麦基的椅子 邦妮·乔·坎贝尔 回到校园问了一个有见地的问题&A和同学一起读书,遇到了这个  


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