
Broadcast Email and Mailing List Policy


  • Email sent from a college-owned domain (regaloteas.com) is an official mode of communication for the college.
  • Broadcast email 未经请求的电子邮件是否包含相同或实质上相似的信息, sent quickly in large quantities, and is recognized as an efficient, cost-effective, 以及环境友好的技术使用,以促进伯洛伊特社区内部的交流.
  • A mailing list 是一个允许将电子邮件发送到多个地址的系统,这样接收者只能看到to:字段中代表整个列表的地址, 不透露列表中其他收件人的地址.
  • A tag is an identifier between square brackets– i.e. [事件]-放在电子邮件主题的开头,用于分类邮件的目的.
  • A topic 是信息的主题,还是要求、提供或给予接收者的内容. Most things have a single topic: “attend this event.有些事情有多个主题:“试镜”和“买票”.”

Broadcast Email Tags

伯洛伊特学院的广播邮件应该在主题行中包含以下标签之一. 不属于以下类别之一的电子邮件可能不适合广播电子邮件:

  • [Safety] -提供有助促进或确保校园安全的资源的讯息.
    • Examples: notifications of recent crimes, crime prevention resources, emergency drills, and safety training, cybersecurity resources, health resources for the campus community (flu shots, COVID, etc), expected inclement weather, planned grounds/infrastructure work, etc.
  • [Opportunity] -促进个人或职业成长的经历或参与的机会的信息, present, compete, or contribute. While participation is never required, many opportunities involve limited capacity, applications, deadlines, mandatory RSVPs, or expectations for regular attendance.
    • 例如:学生俱乐部/组织的会员资格和定期会议, study groups, field trips, internships, fellowships, research projects, presenting at symposia, campus jobs, study abroad, grant proposals, professional development, conferences, training, auditions, contests, submissions to publications or exhibitions, participation in research, nominations, cultural exchange, volunteering, etc.
  • [Event] -宣传由校园社区主办或校园社区感兴趣的活动或一系列活动的信息. 虽然有些功能可能有成本或要求RSVP来帮助规划, 一般的期望是人们可以自由地参加和参与.
    • Examples: student club/organization events, faculty forum, Thursday lunches, employee study hall, speakers, lectures, panels, theatre/dance/music performances, art exhibitions, film screenings, informational sessions, games, celebrations, group fitness classes, etc.
  • [Services] -描述校园社区可用的校园服务和公用设施的消息. Messages may introduce what services are offered, inform when services are available, or advise when services or utilities will be unavailable.
    • Examples: advising, tutoring, writing center, bookstore, health and counseling, dining, transportation, disability support, diversity, campus office hours, office closings, human resources, IT support, library resources, mail center, planned outages to power, water, internet, etc.
  • [Institution] -促进或支持学校官方业务或促进校园社区成员必须完成的任务或行动的信息. Includes academic procedures, campus governance, and resources which aid the work of the campus community.
    • Examples: tuition payment, financial aid renewal, insurance waiver, intent to graduate, Student Handbook, academic honesty, parking permits, and regulations, senate/council meetings and outcomes, resources for writing course syllabi, attendance reports, academic program reviews, Administrative Policy Manual, HR forms and benefits, employee performance evaluations, committee meetings and outcomes, course registration, course evaluations, etc.

Mailing Lists

如上所定义的广播电子邮件消息存在广泛的分发邮件列表. 当消息包含每个人都能从中受益的信息时,应该将其发送到广泛的分发邮件列表. 这些邮件列表不应该在意图开始对话时使用. 任何希望回复广播电子邮件的人都应该只回复发件人,而不是回复整个邮件列表.


  • facstaff@regaloteas.com includes all current faculty and staff, and emeriti faculty. Only faculty and staff can send emails to this address. 广播邮件立即发送到群组,没有任何节制. 建议在主题行中使用上面列出的标签之一.
  • students@regaloteas.com includes all students. 任何人在校园社区可以发送电子邮件到这个地址. 所有广播邮件在发送到小组之前,将在大学营业时间进行审核. 上面列出的标签是必需的,没有有效标签的邮件将被拒绝. By default, students will be sent a daily digest message once daily, 列出已添加到该组的所有已批准的消息.
  • stualert@regaloteas.com includes all students. 只有获得许可的个人/办事处才能向此地址发送电子邮件. 广播邮件立即发送到群组,没有任何节制. 建议在主题行中使用上面列出的标签之一. 此邮件列表仅用于紧急通信, urgent health/safety issues, or important College business that affects the entire campus.



  • Messages must be sent from a regaloteas.com email address.
  • 邮件的主题行应以以下标签之一开头:[安全], [Opportunity], [Event], [Services], or [Institution] followed by the email subject. Tags are required for the students@regaloteas.com list.
  • Messages should be clear and concise. 正文应该只提供与所有收件人相关的信息. Additional information or details, if needed, 是否应该在文本中提供一个指向权威来源的网络链接. For example, the regaloteas.com website calendar for events.
  • Events promoted in mailing lists must first be added to the website calendar before any messages are sent.
  • 消息必须能够被屏幕阅读器访问,并在消息文本中提供所有可用信息. 如果使用图像,则每个图像的“alt”属性必须具有适当的描述性.
  • 每个学期最多可以向每个听众发送三(3)条关于给定主题的消息.
    • 重复消息必须在上一条消息后至少三(3)天发送.
    • 这个限制适用于每个人就一个话题发送信息. 所有发件人就同一主题发送的邮件总数不允许超过三条.
    • 一条附加信息,用以纠正先前信息中的不准确信息, due to a typo or a change in circumstances, 可以立即发送,不计入发送限制. 请校对您发送的每条消息,以避免需要额外的消息.
    • For topics sharing a common theme, like a series of events tied to a residency, 鼓励在单一的第一条信息中一起宣传这些主题, 然后在第二条信息中一起或单独推广每个主题。.

Inappropriate Content

The following are inappropriate uses of broadcast emails:

  • 与学校业务或活动没有直接关系的邮件.
  • Mailings in violation of the college’s Ethical Use Policy.
  • Mailings intended to provoke a discussion via group email.
  • Partisan political campaign activity, expression of personal opinion, or conduct of personal business.
  • Unauthorized fundraising or solicitation.
  • 任何未经管理员预先批准的商业性质的东西.
  • Any message that harasses, intimidates, threatens, 或者欺凌接受者,或者包括直接或间接针对个人的人身攻击.




This policy may be revised at any time. Major revisions will be described and dated here.

  • September 2020 - Initial policy implementation
  • 2023年11月-从mailman listserv转移到Google Groups的facstaff电子邮件列表,并简化了指南.
  • 2024年3月-从mailman listserv转移到Google Groups,用于学生电子邮件列表和更新策略.

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